Design and realization of Positive justification based on FPGA 基于FPGA的正码速调整的设计与实现
The Principle of the Bit Recovery of the Modelling Method for Positive/ Zero/ Negative Justification 模型法正/零/负码速调整的码速恢复原理
Design on a Novel Wireless Positive/ Zero/ Negative Justification 一种新型无线信道正零负码速调整设计
This method can be used not only to reduce the waiting time jitter caused by pointer adjust me nt but also to reduce that caused by traditional bit justification ( positive or positive/ zero/ negative justification). 这项技术不仅可以用来有效地减小指针调整候时抖动,而且还可以用来减小传统的比特调整(正调整,正/零/负调整)的候时抖动。
First, this paper describes motivation for modelling positive/ zero/ negative justification and shortcomings of positive justification in application. 本文首先从正码速调整在系统应用中的问题和正/零/负码速调整存在的技术问题出发,说明模型法正/零/负码速调整的研究背景;
The digital multiplex equipment using the modelling method for positive/ zero/ negative justification which has reduced the jitter greatly is being applied in our country. 正/零/负码速调整数字复接设备采用输出抖动小的模型法正/零/负码速调整方法。这种复接设备国内正在推广应用。
A New Method for Reducing the Waiting Jitter of Positive Justification 一种减小正码速调整等候抖动的新方法
Plesiochronous/ Synchronous Multiplex Technique Using Positive/ Zero/ Negative Justification 正/零/负调整准同步/同步复接技术
Based on two kinds of the frame structure of tributary mapping interface in synchronous transport module ( STM) recommended by CCITT, this paper analysises and calculates the stuff jitter with positive justification method and positve/ zero/ negative justification method respectively. 本文针对CCITT推荐的同步传送模块(STM)支路映射接口两类帧结构,分别用正码速调整与正/零/负码速调整方法分析计算了其相应的塞入抖动。
Both positive/ Zero/ negative and positive justification are CCITT recommended justification method for international digital path. 正/零/负码速调整和正码速调整都是CCITT建议用于国家间数字通道的两种码速调整方式。
The author's main tasks includes: 1.Implement the multiplexer of 4 El signals, the main circuit includes all digital phase-locked loop ( DPLL), HDB3 encode and decode, positive justification, the start of frame detect circuit, multiplex and demultiplex circuit. 实现4路E1信号到1路二次群信号的复分接,主要包括全数字锁相环、HDB3-NRZ编解码、正码速调整、帧头检测和复分接等。
The modelling method for positive/ zero/ negative justification demands to design the unique circuit for the bit recovery at the receiver. 模型法正/零/负调整方法要求在码速恢复端采取特殊的码速恢复措施。
The Principle and design of Positive Justification Rates in Coder of 34Mb/ s Digital Television 34Mb/s数字电视编码设备中正码速调整的原理和设计
Finally, it introduces application of modelling positive/ zero/ negative justification in digital communication system. 最后简述模型法正/零/负码速调整在数字通信系统中的应用。
Realizing positive justification and simple BER tester with a FPGA individually. 在FPGA上分别设计实现了正码速调整和简单误码率测试仪,并连接成功。
In this paper we design and realize the circuit of 2M positive justification/ recovery, and we solve the problem of stuffing jitter by means of utilizing digital smoothing method. 设计实现了2M数据码速调整和恢复电路,并利用数据平滑技术解决了塞入抖动问题。
Public sense used in public selection is in forms of public proof and false to make positive justification and negative defence for public selecting trueness. 公选中的公共理性主要使用公共证明和公共证伪的形式,为公选之真做正面论证和反面辩护。